The Clerk and Recorder’s office contains a wide variety of records and duties. Recorded transfers and other transactions relating to real property are maintained in this office. These records are public records and are routinely utilized by individuals, banks, title companies, oil and gas companies. In addition, the Clerk works with the County Planning board, the contract land planner and sanitarian with respect to certificates of survey and subdivision plats as well as compliance with state law.
Birth and Death certificates are filed in the Clerk and Recorder’s office for the convenience of family members and people having legal authority for access. This office has access to the birth and death records statewide and can issue certified copies of any Montana birth record since 1920 and/or death records since 2003. Certificates of discharge of persons who served with the United States Armed Forces may also be obtained through this office.
NOTE: Military Discharge records are also confidential and can only be issued to the service person or those having legal authority for access.
The Clerk and Recorder is involved in the preparation and maintenance of the county budget as well as preparation of the annual financial report of the county which is submitted to the State of Montana. In addition, the Clerk works with the auditors throughout the year and during the audit of the county’s financial records.
The Clerk’s office processes the payroll and benefits for county employees. Claims of vendors who have supplied products or provided services are also paid in this office.
The Clerk and Recorder records the Commissioners’ minutes and serves as the Election Administrator for Liberty County.
Stahly Engineering
Phone 406.522.8594
Clerk & Recorder
Davin Padmos